If you have been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea, you’ve probably been prescribed a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device to wear at night. This is the standard treatment recommended for this condition because it does a very good job of keeping the airway open during the night. Patients often need a little time to adjust to their CPAP face mask, but most learn to sleep with the machine puffing away in just a few weeks.

Most patients, that is. There are some who do not find success with their CPAP, and they’re often hesitant to admit this to their doctors. Would you want to admit that you aren’t wearing your CPAP, knowing it may be the best way to improve the quality of your sleep and improve your overall health? Probably not.

Why do some patients have a hard time with a CPAP? Human beings can be kind of funny about sleep. Most of us fall asleep pretty easily, but there are a lot of people who have difficulty falling asleep; conditions may need to be perfect before they can drift off. Some people need white noise to sleep, some need total darkness. Some people just can’t get used to the facemask and loud machinery that a CPAP requires. Maybe you can only sleep on your stomach, and you find yourself taking the face mask off in your sleep?

Whatever the problem may be, you should know that there are CPAP-free solutions for mild-to-moderate cases of obstructive sleep apnea. Quality Dentistry at Walnut Pond can help you find out if there’s an alternative that will work for you. Call us at 908-200-7007 to learn more about sleep apnea, Clinton NJ!


How a Dentist Can Help with Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea is caused by the soft tissues of the throat relaxing when you sleep. When we are awake the airway stays open, but in sleep the soft tissues become slack and can prevent you from inhaling properly. Pushing puffs of oxygen through the airway is not the only way to encourage it to stay open. For many patients, a simple adjustment to the position of the jaw can change how the soft tissues stay positioned when you sleep.

By bringing the lower jaw slightly forward, a customized oral appliance from your dentist may be able to help you avoid apnea events. This device is worn in the mouth when you sleep at night, and may be easier to get used to than a face mask and CPAP. If you have been struggling with a CPAP and would like to try an oral appliance, call us. We can help!

Why Choose Us for CPAP-Free Sleep Apnea Treatment?

Many dentists can provide snoring and sleep apnea appliances, so why should you choose us? We are one of the only dentists in the area who are certified to provide sleep apnea appliances to Medicare patients, for one. We are also more experienced at getting your appliance covered by your insurer. Because sleep apnea treatment is typically a medical service (not dental), billing and coding can be an administrative headache. Some other dentists may just require you to pay out of pocket if they can’t find the right way to bill it. We have worked with a third-party specialist to make sure we can get as many sleep apnea patients covered as possible. If your CPAP was covered, your oral appliance should be, too.

Untreated sleep apnea is a significant threat to your health. Getting appropriate treatment can add years to your life, and help you improve the quality of your days (and nights). Ultimately, this issue really matters to us, and we want to see our patients thrive. Call us at 908-200-7007 to learn more. We love to see our patients overcome OSA and live the well-rested, healthy lives they deserve!

Call 908-200-7007 for CPAP-Free Sleep Apnea Treatment – Sleep Apnea, Clinton NJ