sleep apnea annandale NJ

How Medicare Can Help Make Sleep Apnea Treatment More Accessible

2019-03-20T15:22:42+00:00March 18th, 2019|Sleep Apnea|

Sleeping is how your body recharges and repairs itself, helping you face the following day with the energy you need. But for patients with sleep apnea, a serious condition where breathing stops and starts repeatedly throughout the night, sleep can be a dangerous time. Luckily, treatment does exist for sleep apnea sufferers, and Medicare may

Five Common Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

2019-02-14T15:38:17+00:00February 13th, 2019|Sleep Apnea|

You are certain that you slept a good eight hours, but you awaken only to find that you have a terrible headache. You are also feeling lethargic and quite irritable. Perhaps sleep apnea may be to blame for your constant inability to function or feel rested. Today, our team at Walnut Pond Dentistry explores 5

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