
Five Common Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

2019-02-14T15:38:17+00:00February 13th, 2019|Sleep Apnea|

You are certain that you slept a good eight hours, but you awaken only to find that you have a terrible headache. You are also feeling lethargic and quite irritable. Perhaps sleep apnea may be to blame for your constant inability to function or feel rested. Today, our team at Walnut Pond Dentistry explores 5

Alleviate Snoring and Sleep Apnea with a Dental Night Guard – Clinton, NJ

2018-08-29T17:36:50+00:00August 3rd, 2018|Family Dentistry, General Dentistry, Sleep Apnea|

Does your snoring keep your partner awake at night? While this can be an inconvenience, your snoring may be an indicator of a much bigger problem. While snoring is a normal condition for about forty-five percent of adults, twenty-five percent have a chronic and severe condition obstructing their breathing, called sleep apnea. It may surprise

Lesser Known Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

2018-07-17T17:21:32+00:00May 8th, 2018|Sleep Apnea|

Awareness of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) has blossomed in recent years, and many people have been diagnosed and treated as a result. However, for many people this very common condition remains a silent threat to their overall short- and long-term health. Many people know a little bit about sleep apnea, but don’t know enough about

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