You have seen pictures, you have asked around, and you have done your Internet research. You now have a sincere interest in implant-supported dentures. Unlike conventional prostheses, implant-supported restorations rest atop dental implants rather than the gum tissue. Today, our dental team at Walnut Pond Dentistry in Annandale, NJ explores 5 common benefits of this .

#1: Natural-Looking Results

When your implant-supported dentures are manufactured, our specialists will take great care in designing them to look just like natural teeth. Your new dentures will complement the shape and size of your mouth, ensuring a quality look and feel. Additionally, the materials used to fabricate your artificial teeth reflect light similarly to natural enamel.

Your implant-supported dentures will also function like natural teeth. While traditional dentures sit on the gums, your new prosthesis will be fixed onto implants. This offers optimal stability when eating and speaking. Furthermore, you will never need to use adhesive or bonding materials to affix your dentures in your mouth.

#2: No Soreness

Traditional dentures can rub sore spots or lesions on the oral soft tissues, including the gums, cheeks, and lips. In contrast, implant-supported dentures typically cause no pain or discomfort. Why? Your new dentures will be resting on the implant and not the gum tissue. For many patients, removable dentures that rest on the gums can lead to inflammation, especially if they are not removed and cleaned daily.

#3: Improved Oral Health

Bone degradation is a natural byproduct of tooth loss. Not only is this detrimental to your oral health, it can also cause the face to have a sunken-in or gaunt appearance over time. Fortunately, dental implants mimic natural teeth roots. As a result, they send restorative signals that help preserve jawbone density. Therefore, bone loss that would otherwise occur in your jaw will not be an issue.

#4: Improved Speech

Traditional dentures can slip, shift, and wobble. In fact, this is one of the most common complaints among denture-wearers. As a result, these prostheses can interfere with normal speech. However, with your new implant-supported dentures, there will be no speech impediments, because there will be no movement. Your new dentures are secured to the dental implants which fully integrate with your jaw bone. They will not shift,  become displaced, or fall out. All of these aspects will significantly improve your ability to speak clearly and confidently.


#5: Improved Ability to Eat

Implant-supported dentures are placed on top of dental implants. This provides a safe and fit hold. You will never have to worry about your new appliance slipping out of our mouth, or becoming loose. Because of this design, your bite force is significantly increased. You will be able to enjoy all of your favorite foods whether they are crunchy, tough, or chewy. Your new dentures will also help you to enjoy those foods without the fear that your new dentures will shift, even when pressure is applied.  So, that steak cooked rare, corn on the cob, a candy apple, or another type of intricate food, will be no match for your new implant-supported dentures.


Contact Walnut Pond Dentistry to Learn More

At Walnut Pond Dentistry, we take great pride in providing comprehensive dental services, as well as implant-supported dentures.  To learn more, or to schedule an appointment with one of our Annandale, NJ dentists, contact us online or dial (908) 200-7007.